Food & Nutrition II Standard/CTP

Project #1
World Foods Project

1.  Select a foreign country that you have an interest in or would like to visit.

2.  Find that country here:

3.  Research the food guidelines presented by your chosen country.

4.  Using the Library/Media Center, research the common foods, dietary habits and food traditions of the country you selected.  Find and use at least 4 resources if you are CTP and 3 resources if you are standard level.

5.  Research a holiday celebrated in the country you selected.  Describe the holiday, the relevance of food in this holiday and traditions related to the holiday.

Here are some helpful resources:

      Holidays and Observances around the World - Provides a calendar of holidays by year
      Culturegrams  - Great website in general but also includes recipes
      World Book - Great general information
      Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations  - international dietary guidelines

6.  Create a slideshow to teach the class about your research.  The slideshow should include information regarding the dietary guidelines, holiday research as well as common foods and traditions in the country you selected.  You may embed short videos from your selected country if applicable.  Be sure to cite all of your resources.

7.  Share your google slideshow with Mrs. Logan.

8.  Produce an infographic that can be displayed in the room.

9.  Bonus:  Bring in a food/dish from your location.

10.  Present to the class.


Take a stand!
Your challenge is to gather information about the effects of artificial sweeteners on the body.  There are many  artificial sweeteners to choose from so narrow it down to 2 or 3.  Research each one.  Look for current information about how it is made, who it was designed for, who presently uses it and if there is any affect on overall health.  Also check to see how much an average person consumes in a years' time.
Write a paper outlining what you learned referencing the sources of your information.
Next, convince me that artificial sweeteners are safe to consume or that they are not safe to consume.  Again reference the information that lead you to this conclusion.

Which would you recommend?
As a consumer we are constantly hearing the terms all natural, natural and organic.  What do these terms mean when they apply to our food supply?  Do they mean the food is safer, healthier to eat, more nutritious? Do these terms affect the cost of food and if so how?

Find 2 current articles that relate to these terms and answer my questions, then explain in your own words what each one means.
Next imagine that you have to explain these terms to uninformed consumers with young children.  What would you recommend and why?  You must reference the information in the articles you chose to support this recommendation and you must address each of my questions with researched information.  Be convincing and supply evidence!

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